The Australian Psychological Society
The APS is the largest professional association for psychologists in Australia.
They are the peak body for psychologists in Australia and represent over 24,000 members. The APS advocate for the profession of psychology,support high standards, promote community well-being, and are dedicated to providing benefits to support members.
The website contains information about the APS, psychology and allows you to find a psychologist in your area. It also has useful links and handouts on different topics.
Beyond Blue
Beyond blue is a government initiative that was established to aid in the community awareness of mental illness. Established in October 2000, Beyond Blue initially focused on raising awareness of depression and reducing the associated stigma.
As their knowledge and impact on people's lives broadened, through research and community engagement, they added the key issue of anxiety conditions in 2011 and, more recently, suicide prevention to their core purpose.
The website contains information and resources for those seeking a greater understanding about mental illness.
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and
community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and
bipolar disorder.
The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to understanding, preventing and treating mental illness. They are about creating a world where mental illness is treated with the same level of concern, immediacy and seriousness as physical illness; where scientists work to discover the causes of illness and new treatments, and where discoveries are immediately put into practice through health services, technology and community education.
The website contains information and resources for those seeking greater understanding about depression and bipolar.
Health Direct
Provides safe, practical health information and advice.
The site is a free service supported by the governments of Australia.
A-Z Health Topics has a range of topics with up to date information that may be relevant for you.
Victims Assist
Victim Assist is a Queensland Government initiative to support people who have been injured in an act of violence.
They offer to help pay for or reimburse the cost of goods and services that a person may need to help recover from the physical and psychological effects of a violent crime.
Phoenix Australia
Formerly the Australian Centre for Post-traumatic Mental Health (ACPMH), in 2015 the
organisation changed its name to Phoenix Australia – Centre for Post-traumatic Mental Health.
Phoenix Australia is an international leader in building the capability of individuals, organisations and the community to understand, prevent and recover from the adverse mental health effects of trauma. It reviews research, policy, and best practice standards in relation to trauma.
The centre aims to be at the forefront of world’s best practice in veteran and military mental health. The website contains information for health professionals who work with and those who are affected by traumatic events.
Healthline provide ongoing up to date research across a number of health topics.
Healthline's medical reviewers ensure that our content is accurate, current, and
Along with extensive experience in a variety of medical specialties, they bring added perspective due to their backgrounds in clinical practice, research, and patient advocacy.
They provide expert content along with genuine caring. Both of which will support, guide, and inspire you toward the best possible health outcomes for you and your family.
Butterfly Foundation for Eating Disorders
The website provides resources for all people affected by eating disorders and
negative body image – a person with the illness, their family and their friends.
Eating disorders are serious psychiatric disorders with significantly distorted eating behaviours and high risk of physical as well as psychological harm. Left unaddressed, the medical, psychological and social consequences can be serious and long term. Once entrenched eating disorders can impact on every aspect of an individual’s life and for many, can be life threatening.
As a leading national voice in supporting their needs, Butterfly highlights the realities of seeking treatment for recovery, and advocates for improved services from both government and independent sources.